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Department spotlight in the ERP space: R&D

KCS SA - Dept spotlight - R&D - Landing page image

In the third edition of our Department Spotlight series of articles, we focus on our Research and Development (R&D) department.

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Tags: ERP, software, K8

Department spotlight in the ERP space: Customer Support

KCS SA - Blog aricle header image - Customer Support

In the second of our Department Spotlight series of articles, we provide a few quick facts about our Customer Support department, the guiding principles behind how they operate, and the exciting service enhancements our customers can look forward to.

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Tags: ERP, software, Customer Service, business management, K8

Keeping Up With Automotive Aftermarket Changes

automotive blog-2

On 1 July 2021 several changes were implemented within the South African automotive aftermarket industry. These changes provide a more inclusive and a more competitive environment for aftermarket traders and Independent Service Providers (ISPs).

According to the Competition Commission, these guidelines address the lack of competition and consumer choice in the sale and fitment of spare parts and for the service, maintenance and mechanical repairs of insured vehicles as well as vehicles under warranty.

Herewith some of the changes that the automotive aftermarket industry needs to adhere to:

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Tags: ERP, software, cloud hosting, Automotive, ISP, business management

The 4th Era of ERP

4th Era ERP Blog

According to Gartner, ERP systems have entered into its 4th era of development, defined by superior data-centric, AI-driven, agile and customer-facing systems. Why is this so important for commercial enterprises?

By 2023, it is estimated that 65% of organisations will use ERP applications, encompassing the attributes of its fourth era, from strategic planning to predictable data analytics and more.

This represents a major shift from the limited resource planning role of the earlier traditional ERP platforms, then perceived as just another piece of IT software to be implemented.

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Tags: ERP, software, cloud hosting, Data Driven, People Focused, Agile Implementation

Five Ways Mid-Market Businesses Capitalise on Cloud ERP

Mid market businesses capitalise on Cloud ERP

With more cloud infrastructure and powerful data-driven processes incorporated in modern software, high-performance ERP systems cater to nearly every business, industry, and requirement these days.

Gartner predicts that by 2023, 65% of organisations will use ERP applications to optimise business operations and improve customer service using analytics and intelligent decision-making. Smart and strategic ERP platforms will prevail.

This is a game-changer for the mid-market business sector. Previously, small and medium sized businesses had to raise investments to compete with large enterprises for speed, reliability or efficiency. The latest advancements in cloud ERP finally level the playing field.

Integrated cloud ERP solutions draw on all the necessary resources and power (thanks to the cloud) to automate and improve operations, e.g. update remaining stock, quote and invoice customers, record sales transactions or analyse customer data.

As Gartner explains, the need to create, manage and understand data is paramount to the business ecosystem, customers, suppliers, partners, competitors and stakeholders. Modern ERP systems rely on robust data management and analytics.

Here are five ways ERP systems are changing the way businesses operate:

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Tags: software, Digital Solution, cloud hosting, Retail, hosting

Are you keeping up with the latest requirements in the Retail sector?

retail sector

If the past year is an indication of things to come - or of the changes that seems to be taking effect since the start of COVID-19, then retailers will most certainly need to adapt as well. One thing is for sure, our business or retail management tools will need to follow suit. Modernising and digitising processes is a key part of those requirements. To keep up with the retail industry’s demands and customer expectations, sleek, efficient and modern customer service will be expected. That means upping your game on the customer’s shopping experience.

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Tags: E-Commerce, software, Customer Service, Digital Solution, Retail, automating data management

5 Ways To Optimise Retail Software

retail blog

Software is no longer the exclusive domain of large-scale enterprises. With technology constantly advancing, a new generation of software solutions has come in to play. Retailers of any size can now leverage this evolution. Here are five points to keep in mind:

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Tags: software, Customer Service, cloud hosting, Retail, efficiency

Introducing inspHire Software for Plant, Tool and Equipment Hire

Insphire for Plant, Tool and Equipment

The right hire management solution will enable greater control of the entire hire process, from start to finish. inspHire, our flag ship hire solution, is well suited to a variety of industries, including plant, tool and equipment hire and much more.

It enables complete visibility of your business, with everything managed from one system.

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Tags: software, Rental, hiring

Introducing inspHire Software for Crane Hire

KCS SA - Blog - Insphire Software for Crane hire

The hire industry have grown immensely as the need for improved asset management and greater control of the entire hire process have become more prevalent. Kerridge Commercial Systems acquired inspHire about two years ago in order to provide our customers with a much needed hire and asset management solution.

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Tags: software, Rental, hiring

The Notable Benefits of KPI Reporting Tools

ERP Software KPI Reporting Tools

Key performance indicators (KPI) are a quantifiable measure used to evaluate the success of a business by looking specifically at employees and departments in meeting key business objectives for performance.

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Tags: ERP, software, Reporting, Tools

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