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Delivery management software - Manage the peak season demand


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The run-up to Black Friday and the Pre-Festive Season has kicked off in full swing, making it the busiest time of year for retailers and distributors.
Complex business processes, changing customer needs, excellent service delivery, and increased competition are only some of the factors that business decision-makers are faced with.

Consumers are increasingly moving to eCommerce and looking for a seamless buying experience. This means businesses need to streamline distribution operations from first customer contact, through to delivery to ensure they remain competitive. You’d need to deliver a service that’s fast and traceable while reducing costs and optimising your resources.

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Tags: ERP, Stock Control, ePOD, delivery, Mobile Apps, Black Friday

Hindsight is the Best sight

hindsight blog

The real trick in life is to turn hindsight into foresight that reveals insight – Robin Sharma

Keeping up with industry trends is critical for the businesses of today as it helps customers stay relevant and helps them keep up with the changing times. New delivery models, new technologies and process automations are some of the key trends to keep an eye on and to keep up with.

Given that the role of distributors and wholesalers revolve around making the flow of goods from production place to consumption place, it’s exceptionally important for the full supply chain cycle to run as efficiently as possible.

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Tags: Cloud / SaaS, ERP, Stock Control, ePOD, Supply Chain Management, Warehousing and stock management, ePick, Mobile Apps, digitise

Using your ERP to stock more efficiently

Stock efficiently blog-1

Effective and controlled stock management lies at the heart of any successful distributive trade business. After all, the difference between having too much stock and too little can prove financially, logistically and reputationally damaging for a company – so taking steps to prevent this happening makes sound business sense.

Having an ERP solution in place that’s specifically designed for the distributive trades is critical. After all, you need software that understands the way in which you operate, and offers the functionality you need to stock more efficiently and effectively.

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Tags: ERP, Stock Control, Warehousing and stock management, efficiency

Supply Chain Security

KCS SA - Blog - ERP Supply Chain Security

Supply chains are vulnerable to a variety of threats which can range from physical to cybersecurity. The physical threats are perhaps the most obvious of the two as it involves things like theft, loss, damage or errors.

Cybercrime threats to supply chain software have been on the rise due to the evolution of technology and the advancement of internet services.

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Tags: ERP, Stock Control

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